It’s been a wild couple of weeks. I’ve seen things I never thought I’d see, heard stories that are borderline unbelievable, and had my eyes opened to a world of possibilities that I’d never considered before. Part of the reason I didn’t post last week is because I was still processing it all and figuring out how and what to share on this blog. That said, there are things I’m still figuring out and so won’t talk about this time around, but may circle back to sometime in the future.
So yeah, I’ll just take some time to share a story or two about the ways God’s been moving over the past couple weeks.
Story 1: Healing
Do you remember the baptism night I talked about a couple weeks ago? Yeah, there was a little bit more going on that night that I failed to mention. The whole reason we did the baptisms in the first place was because of Stephanie’s (the director of World Race) pastor. He came in as a guest speaker and gave a message and shared testimonies about how God has been working through these baptisms over the past year at his church. He talked about a blind man who received his sight, someone who was deaf in their right ear healed, how he had seen so many people come to Christ, and even failing marriages restored on the nights that they did these baptisms.
So in between the ending of his message and going to the water, he gave a call to everyone who had Tourette’s or some kind of tick to come forward if they wanted to be healed. After a minute or two five or six people (one of them a guy on my team) ended up standing in front of the stage facing the pastor. He prayed over them and then declared that they be healed in the name of Jesus.
(I’m not going to lie, at this point I was half expecting some flash bang or thunder or wind or something to happen, but nope…)
All I see are a couple of them start crying. I couldn’t really see from where I was, but I knew something had just happened that I couldn’t explain. The night goes on and I’m thinking about these things, and an hour or two later I learn from my friend that his ticks were completely gone (and haven’t come back since!!). And he starts running around challenging people to staring competitions.
It’s incredible, and I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it because I hardly believe it myself, but I watched someone get healed before my eyes. Maybe there’s something here that I’m completely unaware of…
Story 2: Spirit Encounter
Another unfamiliar thing that we’ve been doing weekly is what we call revival night. Basically ever Friday night we just have a couple hour long worship session to round out the week to lead into our rest days. Something happened on the first of these revival nights that I’m never going to forget.
We were singing and worshipping as usual, and I’m just sitting on the outside of the circle praying. I look up and look around and I see something’s happening with two of the guys on my squad. One of them is on the ground giggling uncontrollably (he ended up laughing all the way until he went to sleep!), and the other is running around telling everyone about this incredible joy that he’s feeling.
Again, I’m struck and convicted by the fact that something’s going on here that’s not normal, and I’m amazed. I spent the next 20-30 minutes crying, I don’t even know for what, I was just in awe. What if something like that could happen to me?
Story 3: Prophecy
At lunch a week or two ago, I was standing towards the back of the line, and this random middle-aged dude I’d never seen before called me over to talk to me. The conversation started off pretty normal – he asked my name, why I was on the Race, stuff like that, he told me a little about himself… he turned out to be a lot nicer than he looked. And then, he blew my mind.
He started telling me all about myself. Yes, about myself. He says that he can see God’s anointing on people from their faces, and tells me the gifts he sees God has given me, and in turn, a few of the things I struggle with in my walk with Him. All of these were things I never told him, and there were one or two that I didn’t even specifically see in myself until he pointed them out to me. It blew me away.
Everything he said just made sense. It sat well with me, unlike some of the other things I’ve heard in my time here.
I’ve had a few more conversations with him since then, and every time I walk away so encouraged and built up. It turns out that he’s been around World Race for quite awhile and was here this training camp just to serve and hang out. God’s doing some crazy stuff.
Now What?
Maybe I missed something growing up in the faith, maybe I was oblivious, but I got taken by surprise by these things, and it’s taken a lot of thinking and praying about them for me to not feel like I’m in a movie, but not I’m at the point now where it’s like wow, there’s more to this walk with God than I thought, and so how do I step into it with confidence, without letting go of discernment of truth. God’s got me hooked now, diving deep in His word and into prayer and it’s stinkin awesome. I’m so excited for everything else He’s going to show me and that I’ll get to share with y’all this year.
Now I don’t expect you to believe all this, I don’t know if I would either before I’d seen it, but let me just tell you the fruits of it are good. The fruits are supernaturally good, and so if Jesus is telling the truth when He says that the tree is known by its fruit… just sayin.
And if you do believe me, think about this: we’re worshipping the same God, and so if He’s doing miraculous things over here, there is no reason to expect He won’t do the same for you. Just my thoughts.
I’ll leave you with Romans 11:
“Oh, the depths of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgements and how inscrutable his ways!
…for from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever. Amen.”
In Christ,
email me: [email protected]
WhatsApp: 678-448-7943
Wow, Jackson! This is so amazing! I’m so glad you’re learning more about God in ways that you never expected! Thank you for sharing all of this! Praise God! You and your team are in my prayers!
Wow is right! Praise God, I love reading what God is going in your life and cannot wait to see what He has next for you.
Wow! Thank you for sharing all these amazing stories of God’s beautiful work healing and restoring people. He is so much bigger than we can imagine. Your stories are encouraging!